10 Best Polyphenol-Rich Superfoods + Why You Should Be Eating Them

10 Best Polyphenol-Rich Superfoods + Why You Should Be Eating Them

by Joel Kahn, M.D. January 24, 2015 Edited by Bill Shipp October 22, 2017

(Foods in italics are GOOD and you should consume as many as possible, as often as possible!!)

“Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.” The simplicity and accuracy of those words, written by Michael Pollan in his masterpiece In Defense of Food, are unmatched.

But why are plant-based foods so powerful? Why do I repeat over and over to my heart patients to get 7 to 10 servings a day of brightly colored fruits and vegetables? Read more


Sorry everyone,
Been moving around so much looking for a decent landing that I’ve had no time to post! So . . . if anyone has a place (near Grass Valley, CA) with great internet where I and my dog could land for a while (can actually pay or trade), please let me know!

WARNING: These foods could be hazardous to your health!

WARNING: These foods could be hazardous to your health!

I realize the following is a VERY long list, but I see so many of these items in even my “HealthNut” friend’s pantries, that I feel I have to at least attempt to get these OUT of your homes (and mouths), if at all possible.

On a mission to help you understand exactly what’s in your food, and why it’s bad, I have put together a compiled list (from several good sources, as well as my own).  I will give credit to “Eat This, Not That!”, as well as Michael Serrur of The Daily Meal, and Grant Stoddard from BestLifeOnLine.com, for the majority of material presented here.

Determining the worst foods you can eat is not a simple task. Though nutritional research is always vulnerable to a degree of subjectivity, there is still consensus among the scientific community on a handful of connections between the food we eat and its effect on our health.

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More Avocado !

Hi Guys,
I’m going to give you some more Avocado recipes today, since they are SO Awesome and you really will have a very hard time finding anything negative about Avocados!!

That said, please DO try and stick with Organically produced (everything) as much as possible. I will do something about why Organic is so important very soon (like later this week)!

Meanwhile, try some of these recipes:


Hi everyone,
Today I am going to talk about juicing! I know there are many of you who realize you probably don’t eat enough greens, vegetables and other things which affect your health positively. Many of you already have a juicer, and some of you that do actually use it on a regular basis. That’s great!

Juicing is an excellent way to get large nutritional benefits without having to physically eat a volume of foods which might easily be impossible to consume (1/2 dozen carrots, a large beet with tops, ½ bunch of celery – is one of my standard “health” mixes). Juicing allows you to drink most of the nutrients you would get from eating a huge amount of food, in a glass or 2 of the same foods’ extracted juices.

Benefits of juicing
There is a handful of benefits that regular juicers reap:
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Hello world!

Hi Everyone,
This page is my first.
This page is intended to be a constantly updated source of information about Wellness, Health, and Healing; using approaches that will be mostly non-western medicine.
These will include Ayurvedic, Traditional Acupuncture, Naturopathic, and medicinal herbal ideas from around the world.

There will be discussion of specific, as well as general health issues.
We will attempt to provide ways to both improve your general health and also suggest methods to alleviate, and maybe even eliminate health issues and concerns many of us face at some point during our lives.

I hope all of you find at least something that you can use from what will be daily posts, as soon as the underlying website is completed, which will hopefully be by week’s end.

Thanks to you all, and to your improving health !

Thanks for stopping by and checking this out,

ZWiz @ Magick Muffins